Page name: Christian's Peep's United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-06-18 04:55:50
# of watchers: 4
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President's:[juvi phase2.0(new poll)] and [The Rejekt]

This wiki page is 4 all of Christian's Peep's out there on elftown

Christian pictures
Christian's profile


Christian's Peeps include:

<img:>  This banner was made by [lenardo]

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2005-03-01 [lenardo]: him and edge were a good tag team

2005-03-08 [nhd]: Hey Join up over here Disciples of Jesus

2005-03-12 [The Rejekt]: when i put christian i meant christian the wrestler

2005-03-15 [LovinLIFE]: sweet add me.

2005-03-22 [The Rejekt]: ok

2005-03-23 [LovinLIFE]: thanks

2005-03-29 [The Rejekt]: ur welcome

2005-04-03 [LovinLIFE]: yeah....i can't wait till wrestlemania to see the six man money in the bank match. it's going to be great

2005-04-05 [The Rejekt]: it was awesome

2005-04-06 [LovinLIFE]: yeah i bad christian didn't win....but edge did....finally he can stop his babbing and go after the title instead of crying about it

2005-04-06 [The Rejekt]: i was really wantin christian 2 win but i'm glad edge won though

2005-04-07 [LovinLIFE]: yeah me to

2005-04-07 [The Rejekt]: yeah edge is awesome but christian is better

2005-04-08 [LovinLIFE]: yeah he is

2005-04-08 [The Rejekt]: yep so wat's up

2005-04-09 [LovinLIFE]: oh nothing much really. did you watch Smackdown. i didn't get a chance to see it. what happened?

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